May 20, 2021

Tablet of Visitation for Badí – by Baha’u’llah

--provisional translation by Peyman Sazedj

In the name of Him Who hath power to ordain what He willeth!

This is a Book sent down in truth in remembrance of that which hath caused the face of the Cause of God to unveil its splendor betwixt earth and heaven. Say: It is the Utterance of God unto all that dwell on earth. The day star of wisdom hath risen above its horizon; upon it the Pen of the All-Merciful hath traced: the prison belongeth to the Manifestation of the Cause of your Lord, the Almighty, the Beneficient. Give ear, O thou remnant of the family, unto that which the Tongue of Majesty and Glory speaketh, that the remembrance of Thy Lord may attract thee to such heights that thou shalt not be overcome by grief. Behold, We have manifested Our Cause through thee. So overpowering hath been its manifestation, that the hearts of men have been struck with terror and their eyes been blinded.

Know thou that when We desired to call Badí into being, We summoned him alone to Our presence, addressed to him a word, and lo! his limbs were so sorely shaken that he nearly swooned away. We protected him, however, through the power of Our sovereignty. We then called him into being and fashioned him, and We breathed into him the spirit of might and power. Such was the infusion of Our might, that had We but bidden him, he would have subdued all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth. Thy Lord is, in very truth, the Mighty, the Unrestrained.

No sooner was he perfected by the Word of thy Lord, and recreated by the breath of His Revelation, than he rejoiced before Our presence and turned, with majesty and power, towards the field of sacrifice. Such was his determination, that the Concourse on high and the inhabitants of the Cities of the Names of God were sorely shaken. Thereupon a Voice was heard from the seat of glory, calling: "Hallowed be the All-Glorious Who hath created what He was pleased to create. He is indeed the Almighty, the All-Bounteous.”

February 12, 2021

The Persian Tablet of Ahmad – by Baha’u’llah

-- provisional translation by Foad Seddigh

[Please note: some portions of this Tablet have been translated by Shoghi Effendi. These are shown in italics]

In the name of our Lord, the Exalted, the Most High!

These are the wondrous divine exhortations that have been uttered by the Tongue of Power in the sanctuary of grandeur, from the unapproachable sanctity of His mercy-seat, saying: Incline thine inner ears to His call and deprive not yourselves of the admonishments of the Beloved.

O banished and faithful friend! Quench the thirst of heedlessness with the sanctified waters of My grace, and chase the gloom of remoteness through the morning-light of My Divine presence. Suffer not the habitation wherein dwelleth My undying love for thee to be destroyed through the tyranny of covetous desires, and overcloud not the beauty of the heavenly Youth with the dust of self and passion. Clothe thyself with the essence of righteousness, and let thine heart be afraid of none except God. Obstruct not the luminous spring of thy soul with the thorns and brambles of vain and inordinate affections, and impede not the flow of the living waters that stream from the fountain of thine heart. Set all thy hope in God, and cleave tenaciously to His unfailing mercy. Who else but Him can enrich the destitute, and deliver the fallen from his abasement?

O My servants! Were ye to discover the hidden, the shoreless oceans of My incorruptible wealth, ye would, of a certainty, esteem as nothing the world, nay, the entire creation. Let the flame of search burn with such fierceness within your hearts as to enable you to attain your supreme and most exalted goal—the station at which ye can draw nigh unto, and be united with, your Best-Beloved.

O Ahmad! Bar not thyself from the surging seas of divine favour that are concealed from the eyes of men, and be not of those who stray from the clear and straight path. By the manifest light of His divine guidance, strive to attain a luminous vision by whose aid you will be lead to the sanctified and blessed spot in the Sinai of Revelation, whereby you may be illumined by the boundless effulgences of His light, and from the ceaseless Revelation of Divine Utterance, hearken to the soul-stirring call: “Look that thou mayest behold Me!”

November 18, 2020

Tablet of Glad-Tidings to the Jewish People – by Baha’u’llah

-- provisional translation

He is the Powerful, the Mighty, the Self-Subsistent!

Rejoice! Rejoice! O Children of Israel, in the grace of the Manifestation of the Glorious Lord.

Thanks and praise be unto God, that the Sun of Truth hath dawned upon the horizon of Unity, and it is dispersing and expelling the darkness of differences and oppression.

Now, the flowers of significance have blossomed upon the Branch of Generosities, and the Nightingale of the invisible Flower-Garden hath left its Nest; the dwellers of the Holy Place have adorned the plane of the earth with profuse benefits, and have illumined the feasting-place of nearness with every variety of ornament.

Blessed is the brave one who, with a firm step, walks out of the corridors of intimacy and takes a place in the ranks of the lovers of God and men; that he may become enlisted among the faithful and assured ones, the truthful and holy ones; that he may be constantly promoted in both worlds and ever favored with eternal exaltation.

O ye possessors of sight! With the inner eyes contemplate the Horizon of the world, that ye may behold the Mount of Sinai and the Country of Safety resplendent through the Light of God and radiating with the Manifestation of the Lord! Look not in the least with the eyes of the unbelievers and the wicked ones, for verily they are blinded by the world and cannot behold eternity.

Peace be upon him who followeth Guidance!

 - Baha’u’llah (Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 17, January 19, 1914)

August 10, 2020

To ‘Abdu’l-Baha – by Baha’u’llah

-- provisional translation

O Thou My Greatest Branch!

Thy letter was surely presented before this Oppressed One, and I heard that which Thou hast communed with God, the Lord of the worlds.

Verily, We have ordained Thee the Guardian of all the creatures, and a Protection to all those in the heavens and earths, and a Fortress to those who believe in God, the One, the Omniscient!

I beg of God to protect them by Thee; to enrich them by Thee; to nourish them by Thee; and to reveal to Thee that which is the Dawning-point of riches to the people of creation, and the Ocean of Generosity to those in the world, and the Rising-point of Favor to all nations. Verily, He is the Powerful, the All-Knowing, and the Wise!

I beg of Him to water the earth and all that is in it by Thee, that there may spring up from it the Flowers of Wisdom and Revelation and the Hyacinths of science and knowledge.

Verily, He is the Friend to those who love Him, and an Assistant to those who commune with Him!

There is no God but He, the Mighty and the Magnified!

Baha'u'llah  (Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 14, November 23, 1913)

May 14, 2020

Meanings of the Terms “Angels” and “Jinn” – by ‘Abdu’l-Baha

-- provisional translation by Adib Ma'sumian and Peyman Sazedj

O thou who hast turned thy face towards the court of eternity, and art even as a brand afire with the flames of the Burning Bush! Concerning thy question about the term “angels” and the meaning thereof in Divine Scripture—know, verily, that by “angels,” various meanings are intended.

In relation to creation, the term “angels” applieth to those who have sanctified the hem of their garments from corrupt desires, and who mirror forth every attribute of Him Who is the Lord of the heavens. The term “angel” is a reference to their spiritual condition and a testimony to their inner being and reality. These are they whom God hath mentioned in His verses and remembered by various names. I will now recount unto thee some of these names and expound their meanings, that thou mayest understand what the Adored One hath intended through His words. Among them is “the bearers of the throne.” [1] Know thou that by “throne” is meant the heart of man, even as He Who is the Nightingale of Eternity and the Celestial Dove hath warbled: “The heart of the believer is the throne of the All-Merciful,” [2] and the Tongue of Grandeur hath, in the Hidden Words, proclaimed: “Thy heart is My home; sanctify it for My descent. Thy spirit is My place of revelation; cleanse it for My manifestation.” [3] For the heart is the recipient of the effulgences of divine Beauty, and the seat upon which the love of God, the Lord of the beginning and the end, hath established its sovereignty.

In relation to God, the term “angels” referreth to the Prophets of God and His Messengers, even as He hath said in the Qurʼán: “Praise be to God, Fashioner of the heavens and the earth, Who sendeth forth the angels as His Messengers with two, or three, or four pairs of wings…” [4] That which the All-Glorious God hath intended by “wings” in this verse are the modes of revelation and the kinds of proofs wherewith He hath sent His Messengers. These “wings” He hath made the means by which men may attain to the Wellspring of divine guidance, and all creation be led aright to the paradise of love and affection. For this, above all else, will conduce to the advancement of the world, and serve as the most potent of wings whereby the pure in heart may soar unto the Paradise of Oneness and the sacred abode of Divine Unity. Thus hath it been referred to as “wings” in the Scriptures of God.

January 16, 2020

Lawh-i-Hizar Bayti (One Thousand Verses Tablet) – by ‘Abdu’l-Baha

-- provisional translation by Ahang Rabbani and Khazeh Fananapazir

[The first of two Tablets known by this name. It was revealed in 1897 in response to a letter that ‘Abdu’l-Baha received from Mirza Abu’l-Fadl]

He is the All-Glorious!

O thou who have devoted your life to the exaltation of the Word of God!

What you have written has been perused, and in accordance with your urging, its contents were noted with the utmost attention. It was read time and time again, until the taste buds were utterly sweetened with its purport, like tasting twice-refined sugar, because it was written with the best of intentions.

You had written, ‘All confess belief in the Kitab-i-Aqdas and the Kitab-i-‘Ahd and there are no deniers. What are these differences, and from where do they come?’

It is evident unto your honoured self that ‘They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts.’ [1] Moreover, steadfastness is necessary; mere words are not sufficient. ‘In the case of those who say, “Our Lord is God,” and further, stand straight and steadfast, the angels descend on them.’ [2] For those who acknowledge and swear allegiance to the Kitab-i-Aqdas and the Kitab-i-‘Ahd, opposition is unseemly, whatever the circumstances. For example, some of the friends in the Holy Land affirm their firmness and loyalty to the Covenant and Testament with fine words and elegant phrases yet, despite the strictest admonitions of this servant that, in accordance with divine wisdom, no one should write abroad without my knowledge, they secretly and continuously send letters in every direction, so that by every means possible they may cast doubt in the hearts. Their affirmations are far removed from such persistence in instilling doubt. This is one example of the clear discrepancies; there are many more like it.

Concerned lest anyone from this direction should write something that would have contrary fragrances, this servant, despite his endless duties, has taken upon himself the toil of reading all communications and erasing anything that by implication or allusion is inappropriate. By your dear life! For four years now every day – in blotting out certain statements – I would imbibe a measure of ink, in the hope that the matter might remain confidential, so far as possible. [3]

Then suddenly I noticed that from all directions bundles of surreptitious letters were being returned [to me]. When their contents were observed, it was evident that all these letters were replete with attempts to cast doubts. Now reflect on the sorrows of this servant. I am immersed in a sea of calamities, all the enemies are on the attack from every side, difficulties are endless and troubles and hardships are limitless; under these conditions, I am nevertheless engaged day and night in exalting the Word of God. I am single, alone and powerless among the [diverse] factions of the world.

September 11, 2019

Lawh-i-Malláhu’l-Quds (Tablet of the Holy Mariner), Persian portion - by Baha'u'llah

-- provisional translation by Mehran Ghasempour

He is the Ajami,[2] the Persian, the ‘Iráqí![3]

Whilst the dwellers in the divine Ark,[4] by the permission of the Holy Mariner, held fast unto one name amongst all names in the ancient Ark[5] and sailed upon the ocean of names, they passed the grades of worldly limitation[6] that perchance, through the felicity[7] and lofty purpose of the Sovereign of Oneness, they mightest reach the shore of divine unity and quaff from the chalice of detachment.[8]

That Ark of Eternity moved by divine assistance, and sailed upon the water of spiritual wisdom until the dwellers thereof reached a station whereat the Name which dwelt therein[9] overtook their course and triumphed. Thence, that Spiritual Ark was stilled and forbidden to move. Whereupon, the firm decree of God descended from the heaven of imperishable holiness, and the Mariner of Eternity was commanded to impart one letter from the concealed Word unto the dwellers in the Ark, so that by the invisible assistance of God, they might traverse the valley of inner bewilderment, enter the delightful realm of divine unity, reach the Qa’f[10] of everlasting life and attain unto the holy presence of the Well-Beloved.[11]

Inasmuch as the dwellers in the Ark[12] attained unto the Word of the mystic[13] Friend, they forthwith stretched out the wings of their spirits[14] and soared in the air of holiness. Through divine grace and blessing, they didst leave behind the pursuit of self and passion[15] and heedless, blind understandings. Whereupon, the breezes of paradise from the realm[16] of the All-Merciful wafted upon their spirits,[17] and after soaring in the air of the nearness of God and traversing the mystical stations, they descended in a state of safety and security, unto the highest abodes of those who loveth Him. The inhabitants thereof thence arose in service and benevolence; the immortal youths[18] and the holy cup-bearer[19] proffered unto them ruby wine. The intoxicating wine of divine knowledge and the cup of eternal wisdom caused such ecstasy and rapture[20] that they transcended the existence of self and all beings and gave their hearts to the beauty of the Beloved.[21]

June 20, 2019

‘Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet on the Functioning of the Universal House of Justice

-- provisional translation by Moojan Momen

He is the All-Glorious!

O you who are clinging fast to the hem of Covenant, your letter was read and your detailed questions were noted. Although calamities, like deadly poison, have affected my limbs, my members and my joints, such that my pen is prevented from writing and my tongue from speaking, and my tasks are so many that it is not possible to describe them, yet nevertheless, out of the great love that this servant has for that gentleman, a spiritual answer will be given, which will be compatible with Divine wisdom, concise and illuminating, perfectly explaining the matter. It will be a comprehensive explanation concerning this question and will contain acceptable and sought-after insights such that by this explanation, clarification, analysis, allusion, commentary and spiritual interpretation, one hundred doors will be opened up by each of its doors. Otherwise, were the horizons to become pages, it would not be enough to encompass [this theme].

You have asked about the wisdom of assigning some of the important legislation (ahkám) to the House of Justice. The first [point to be made] is this that this divine cycle is purely spiritual (rawhání), divine (rahmání) and moral (vujdání). It is not so much concerned with the physical (jismání), the worldly (mulkí) or with the stages of material existence (shu'ún-i násutí). Similarly, the Christian cycle was purely spiritual and in the entirety of the Gospels, there is nothing except the prohibition of divorce and an allusion to the lifting of the [law of the] Sabbath. All of the laws (ahkám) are spiritual and the morals divine. Just as it is said: "The Son of Man did not come to judge the world but to give it life." [cf. Jn 3:17; 12:47]. Now this great cycle is also purely spiritual and is the giver of eternal life, for the fundamental basis of the religion of God is to adorn [people] with good character, to improve them with virtuous conduct and to regulate their interactions. The intention is this that beings who were veiled [from the light] might attain to the vision [of His Beauty] and that darksome reality might become filled with light.

As for the other commandments, they are derivatives of certitude, faith, assurance and mystical insight. Nevertheless, because this blessed cycle is the most mighty of divine dispensations, it encompasses all of the spiritual and physical aspects [of human life] (marátib-i rawhaní va jismání) and is perfect in its power and sovereignty (quvvat va saltanat). Therefore those universal (all-encompassing) matters which are the foundations of the holy law (sharí`at) of God are revealed (mansús) [in the scriptures] and all secondary (subsidiary) matters (mutafarri`át) are to be referred to the House of Justice.

February 7, 2019

Tablet revealed in 1920 to Martha L. Root and others - known as the ‘Tablet to South America’ – by ‘Abdu’l-Baha

-- provisional translation

O ye lovers of Truth and servants of the world of humanity!

Since a sweet scent was wafted towards me from the rose garden of your thoughts and aspirations, my heartfelt wish compels me to write you this letter.

You will see how the world is upset with internal conflicts, and many lands are dyed in human blood, nay the earth is kneaded with gore. The flame of war is so ablaze that such terrible struggle finds no parallel in the war records of any of the middle or recent ages. Heads have become like grains and the ruined cities completely wrecked and thriving towns annihilated. Fathers have lost their sons, sons are made fatherless, and mothers have shed tears of blood over the death of their youthful sons. Children are made orphans, women are helpless, and the world of humanity is forced backward in all respects. The wailing cry of fatherless children is raised abroad and mothers' pathetic lamentation reaches the high heavens.

The source of all these catastrophes is racial fanaticism, patriotic fanaticism, religious fanaticism and political fanaticism. The source of these fanaticisms is ancient imitations, religious imitations, racial imitations, patriotic imitations and political imitations. As long as following such imitations persists, the very foundation of humanity is wrecked and the world of man is in great jeopardy.

Now, in such a shining age when the realities have become manifest, and the mysteries of the universe are disclosed, the morn of Truth has dawned and the world is illuminated - is it allowable that such dreadful war should occur to throw the world of humanity into manifest loss? No, by God!

His Highness Christ called all men to peace and reconciliation and ordered His Holiness Peter to sheath his sword. This was the council and commandment of His Highness Christ. But now all the Christians have drawn their swords! How can this be relevant to that clear text of the Gospel?

In sum: Sixty years ago His Holiness Baha’u’llah dawned from the dayspring of Persia like unto the Sun and proclaimed that the horizon of the world is dark and this darkness will provoke dire results and violent wars will ensue.

From the prison of 'Akka He clearly warned the Emperor of Germany that a fierce war will break out and Berlin will be filled with wailing and lamentation.

October 17, 2018

A synopsis of sorrowful events of [Bahá’í] martyrs in Yazd and Isfahán [in 1903] – by ‘Abdu’l-Baha

-- provisional translation by Ahang Rabbani

He is God!

In this enlightened age, which is the century of the Almighty God, by the effulgence of the Sun of Reality, the lights of civilization are diffused over all horizons, and human attainments and divine virtues, just as dawn swells in the morning, are so spread in the East and the West that ferocity and bloodshed among mankind are abandoned; nay, rather, in civilized countries they are entirely forgotten. Religious contentions are completely eradicated and the prejudices of the dark ages are abolished. Among diverse groups and tribes no conflicts, discords or hostilities have remained save national conflicts and political ambitions. All peoples and nations, reposing in the cradle of security and safety, are well protected against the cruelty of tyrants.

In Iran, when the Divine Call was raised, the radiant morn appeared and the Sun of Truth arose, many people were delivered from the lowest depths of ignorance, attained the highest human perfections, became the center of heavenly virtues, spirit incarnate and righteousness embodied – appearing in the world of humanity with spiritual qualities and holy attributes. However, the adherents of the old religions still held fast to their former teachings and traditions, and day by day became more ignorant until they degenerated into ferocious wolves and rabid dogs, even surpassing the ravenous man-eating beasts. Thus, they began to oppose those holy souls, each day instigating persecution, every hour causing new oppressions, each moment kindling the fires of destruction, burning the sanctified ones in the flames of hatred and malice, setting their heads upon spears, torturing, their children, plundering houses and property, looting wealth and possessions, and banishing women and children from their native land. The honorable were debased, the revered were despised, and the virtuous were taken captive.

Among such outrages are numbered the recent events of Yazd and Isfahán, which caused the hearts to burn and quake, and the people of equity to shed tears of blood and beat their breasts. Although the Bahá’ís are brave and courageous, and in the field of combat each able to battle a large number of opponents, and when war ensues they manifest such valor as would quickly break the ranks of their foes [1] , as it has been proven that in bravery they have no equal or like, yet, because by the divine and firm decree of God, they are commanded to maintain universal peace and entrusted with absolute meekness, when tyrants extend to them the hand of cruelty, attacking them like blood-thirsty wolves, the Divine Friends must submit like lambs before them, without offering the least resistance, accepting the wounds of daggers and swords as babes accept the honey and milk [from their mothers], kissing the hand of the assassin while receiving a stab in the heart; and, while yielding their lives in the path of God, begging His forgiveness for the oppressors and asking for remission of their sins.

August 13, 2018

Lawh-i-Liqa (The Tablet of the Divine Presence) – by Baha’u’llah

-- provisional translation by Nima Rafiei

He is the Eternal!

Lo, We made this epistle to be the attainment of Our presence for such as have turned unto God in these days, wherein the nations have been made to tremble. Whosoever gazeth upon that which hath been sent down from the Throne of glory in this Tablet and findeth himself in doubt as to whether he hath attained the presence of his Lord, he is of them who have turned away from God, the One Who causeth the dawn to break.

O ye birds of the most exalted paradise! Give ear unto the call of the Beloved in these days wherein the feet of men have slipped. The Concourse on high have rejoiced by reason of your acceptance of this Cause, and the voice of the denizens of the cities of eternity hath been raised aloud in grief and lamentation by virtue of your remoteness from Him and your burning thirst, notwithstanding your nearness to the Ocean of His presence!

O how glorious is this blissful joy, this bitter anguish! Methinks both have embraced in the Day of God, the Powerful, the Almighty, and the Omnipotent! The hearts of the infidels have been set ablaze by that which We have revealed aforetime, and still they plot against Me day and night!

Blessed are ye for having entered the city and attained unto that which hath been ordained by your Lord, the Mighty, and the Bestower. It behooveth you to show forth from your countenances utmost joy and bliss that all may discern in you the tokens of resignation and submission. Thus hath it been decreed by the pen of Glory; verily, your Lord is the Most Merciful, the Knower of the unseen and the seen.

O men of insight! Ye are beneath the shadow of My loving kindness and the canopy of My mercy, thus is the gaze of God fixed upon you. Blessed are ye and whosoever loveth you and turneth unto you wholly for the sake of God, the Almighty, the All-Compelling. God and such as have circled round the Throne bear witness that ye have attained unto His presence, circumambulated the Kaaba [1] of His command, and beheld His countenance.

Potent is He over whatsoever He willeth. No God is there but Him, the Mighty, the Munificent! By My life! We have granted that which ye have desired, and We are with you at all times. The glory of Him Who is the Almighty and the Helper rest upon you!
(Published in ‘Lights of Irfan’, vol. 18)
[1] Kaaba is a reference to the point of adoration, where worship is directed. In Islám, the Kaaba is identified as the city of Mecca, the spot constructed by the prophet Abraham, which had later been used to house pagan idols.

July 20, 2018

An excerpt from Star of the West – by Baha’u’llah: “the religion of' God… was revealed for the uniting of the whole world.”

-- provisional translation

O friends! In this day the door of heaven is opened by the key of the godly Name, the ocean of' generosity is manifested and is rolling, before your faces, and the Sun of Providence is shining, and gleaming. Do not be exclusive nor destroy your most precious time through the speech of this or that person. Gird up the loins of endeavor and do your best in training, the people of the world. Do not imagine that the Cause of God is a cause of opposition, hatred or wrath. The Sun of Greatness hath said, that which is revealed from the heaven of will in this Supreme Manifestation, is to unite the people with love and friendship toward all. The people of' Baha, who have drunk of the pure wine of reality, must associate with all the world with a perfect spirit of joy and fragrance, and remind them of that which is for the benefit of' all. This is the Commandment of the Wronged One to his saints and sincere ones.

O people the earth! Make not the religion of' God a cause of variance among you. Verily of a truth, it was revealed for the uniting of the whole world. Blessed is he who loves the world simply for the sake of the Face of his Generous Lord. With perfect compassion and mercy have we aided and directed the people of the world to that whereby their souls shall be profited. I declare by the Sun of Truth and which hath shown forth from the highest Horizon of' the world, that the people of Baha had not and have not any aim save the prosperity and reformation of the world and the purifying, of the nations. 
- Baha’u’llah  (Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 1, March 21, 1915)

June 14, 2018

Lawh-i-Shikkar Shikan (Tablet of Shikkar Shikan Shavand) - by Bahá'u'lláh

--provisional translation by Shahrokh Monjazeb

He is the Supreme, the Most Exalted.

Warblers, mellifluous-toned, all the parrots of Ind shall be,
Because of this Pársí sugar-cone which to Bengal goes. [1]

Your letter having reached this mortal spot of isolation was brought forth and stored in Our treasury of submission and acquiescence. What thou had written was noted and everything expressed therein was found to be true and correct. However, they that yearn for the abode of the Beloved [2], they that circle round the sanctuary of the Desired One, are not apprehensive of trials and adversities, nor do they flee from that which is ordained by God. They receive their portion from the ocean of resignation and drink their fill from the soft-flowing stream of His mercy. They would not surrender the good-pleasure of the Friend in exchange for the kingdom of both worlds, nor would they barter that which the Well-Beloved hath decreed in return for dominion over the realms of the infinite. They would eagerly drink the venom of woe as if it were the water of life and would drain deadly poison to its bitter dregs just as a sweet and life-giving draught. In the arid wastes of desolation they are stirred with enthusiasm through the remembrance of the Friend, and in the dreary wilds of adversity they are eager and impatient to offer themselves as a sacrifice. Unhesitatingly have they renounced their lives and directed their steps towards the abode of the Best Beloved. They have closed their eyes to the world and fixed their gaze upon the beauteous countenance of the Friend, cherishing no desire but the presence of the loved One and seeking no attainment save reunion with Him. They fly with the feathers of trust in God, and soar with the wings of adherence unto His Will. In their estimation a blood-shedding blade is more desirable than finest silk and a piercing dart more acceptable than mother’s milk. ‘High-spirited souls by the myriad are deemed necessary in this path, To lay down a hundred lives with every fleeting breath.’ [3]

June 12, 2018

Lawh-i Ridvánu’l-‘Adl (Paradise of Justice) – by Baha’u’llah

--- provisional translation by Adib Masumian

This is the Paradise of Justice, which hath appeared as a token of God’s grace and been adorned by Him with glorious and wondrous fruits.

In the Name of the All-Just, the All-Wise.

This is a Tablet in which God hath raised up His Name, ‘The Just’, and from which He hath breathed the Spirit of Justice into the mortal frames of all that dwell on earth, that they may arise to rule over themselves and over others with pure justice – a justice from which they shall not deviate by one jot or one tittle. 

O this name! We, verily, have made thee one of the suns of Our most excellent names between earth and heaven. Shed thou thy mighty and wondrous splendour upon the whole of creation that perchance they may gather together beneath thy shadow, cast the ways of oppression behind their backs, and be illumined by thy hallowed and resplendent light.

O this name! We have indeed made thee the very source of Our justice amidst such among Our servants as are near unto Us. Through thee We have manifested the justice of every just one, and have adorned the sincere ones among Our servants with thine ornament.

O this name! Beware lest this station deceive thee and prevent thee from showing humility before God, the Almighty, the Most Powerful. Know thou that thy relationship unto Us is the same as any other relationship; no distinction is there between thee and all else besides thee that have been created in heaven and on earth. For when We ascended the throne of justice, We fashioned all created things through a single word from Our side. Thy Lord is the All-Wise, and His wisdom encompasseth all things. We have exalted certain names to the kingdom of eternity as a token of Our grace, and I verily am the Most Powerful, the Most Exalted, the Mighty, the Incomparable.

June 1, 2018

A Tablet from the Báb to the Seventeenth Letter of the Living

-- provisional translation by Adib Masumian

This is that which We have sent down unto the seventeenth temple [1] at the behest of God, the Almighty, the Incomparable

He [2]

In the Name of God, the Most Exalted, the All-Praised

Glorified be He before Whom all the dwellers of earth and heaven humble themselves! Say: All shall find life in Him. He it is Who holdeth in His hands all who are in heaven and on earth. Say: All have been created through His bidding. He it is Who hath arisen in His Cause; He shall recompense whomsoever He willeth through His bountiful favor. Say: All men beseech His blessings. Hallowed be He Who createth whatsoever He willeth by His Word of command “Be,” and it is. Magnified be He Who calleth into being whatsoever He willeth through His peerless grace. Say: All are originated at His behest.

This is an epistle from the letter Tháʼ [3] unto the seventeenth temple. Bear thou witness that there is none other God but Him, and that unto Him do we all, verily, bear allegiance. His are the kingdoms of earth and heaven, and all abide by His bidding.

May 18, 2018

Prayer by the Guardian unto the Most Exalted One [the Báb]

-- provisional translation by Joshua Hall

Our Lord, the Most Exalted One! We beseech Thee by the reality of Thy blood spilt upon the dust to answer our supplication, to shelter us in the bosom of Thy care and protection, to send down upon us the rains of Thy grace and benediction; and to aid and assist us in walking on Thy path, cleaving unto the bond of Thy love, establishing the validity of Thy proof, spreading abroad Thy writings, resisting the evil of Thine enemies, acquiring Thy virtues, and proclaiming the Cause of Him Who is Thy Beloved, the All-Glorious, for Whose sake Thou didst sacrifice Thyself and in the path of Whose love Thou didst desire naught else but martyrdom.

Help us, O Well-Beloved of our hearts, the Most Exalted One! Fortify our strengths, make firm our steps, forgive us our faults and pardon us our sins. Let loose our tongues in Thy praise and glorification. Adorn our deeds and endeavors with the crown of Thine acceptance and good-pleasure, and grant that our lives’ end be such as Thou hast ordained for the devoted amongst Thy creatures. Bring us into the precincts of Thy mercy, grant that we step over the threshold of the light of Thy nearness and be gathered among them that have drawn nigh from amongst Thy loved ones. Destine for us, moreover, that we stand before Thee and be overcome by the intoxicating wine of Thy presence. Grant, then, that we forever abide in the gardens of Thy holiness and that we be provided with every good Thou hast ordained in Thy kingdom, O Thou Solace unto the Worlds!
(From the Lawh-i-Qarn)

April 5, 2018

Revealed by Baha’u’llah for ‘Abdu’l-Baha

-- provisional translation

O Thou Greatest Branch!

Thy letter was surely presented before this Oppressed One, and I heard that which Thou hast communed with God, the Lord of the world.

Verily, We have ordained Thee the Guardian of all the creatures, and a Protection to all those in the heavens and earth, and a Fortress to those who believe in God, the One, the Omniscient!

I beg of God to protect them by Thee; to enrich them by Thee; to nourish them by Thee; and to reveal to Thee that which is the Dawning point of riches to the people of Creation, and the Ocean of Generosity to those in the world, and the Rising point of Favor to all nations. Verily, He is the Powerful, the All-Knowing and the Wise!

I beg of Him to water the earth and all that is in it by Thee, that there may spring up from it the Flowers of Wisdom and Revelation and the Hyacinths of science and knowledge.

Verily, He is the Friend to those who love Him, and an Assistant to those who commune with Him! There is no God but He, the Mighty and the Magnified! 
- Baha’u’llah  (Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 15, December 12, 1914)

March 14, 2018

Tablet of the Howdah (Lawh-i-Hawdaj/Samsun) – by Baha’u’llah

--provisional translation by Stephen N. Lambden

[Sighting from His howdah the Black Sea, as He approached the port of Samsun, Bahá'u'lláh, at the request of Mirza Aqa Jan, revealed a Tablet, designated Lawh-i-Hawdaj (Tablet of the Howdah), which by such allusions as the "Divine Touchstone," "the grievous and tormenting Mischief," reaffirmed and supplemented the dire predictions recorded in the recently revealed Tablet of the Holy Mariner. (Shoghi Effendi, ‘God Passes By’)]

These are verses which were disclosed in the Pavilion of Eternity and the Howdah of Holiness at the moment when the Greatest Name arrived at the precinct of majesty in the land of Sāmsūn, at the shore of a mighty ocean. Then did the hosts of the inspiration of God descend, so splendidly ornamented, that all who are in the heavens and on earth were thunderstruck thereat. Before them did the Sun of the Divine Beauty radiate forth in an holy, ethereal Temple and addressed the Ark with the like of that which had streamed forth from the Pen of God aforetime, in a Tablet in which We addressed the Holy Mariner with a secret, sorrowful Call. And this in accordance with what hath this moment been sent down in this Tablet from an holy, luminous Pen. And whomsoever desires to comprehend the mysteries of the Command on the part of One, Wise, All-Knowing, let such an one consider these two Tablets and thus become cognizant of the mysteries of God; eyes solaced thereby and one numbered among such as are possessed of certainty.

The times of reclining in the Howdah of Holiness hath been completed and the Beauty of the Divine Essence hath emerged unto a mighty, noble panorama. Say: 'The terrestrial journey hath found completion at the shore of a mighty ocean.' At this did the Howdah of Immortality weep and a luminous Ship of Holiness rejoice.

January 18, 2018

Panj Kanz (The Five Treasures) - an oral discourse given by Baháʼuʼlláh in Baghdád to a group of expatriate Persian princes, transcribed by Nabíl-i-Zarandí, who was present.

-- provisional translation by Adib Masumian

[More contextual information on the Panj Kanz, is also provided by Adib Taherzadeh in ‘The Revelation of Baháʼuʼlláh’, vol. 2, pp. 140–143]
[Please note: Baha’u’llah’s utterances are in quotes.]

The First Treasure

One day, the Beauty of the All-Knowing [Baha’u’llah] was walking in the bírúní [1] of the Most Great House in Baghdád when some of the princes of Persia, who were residing in that land, entered His presence. With the utmost solicitude, the Ancient Beauty [Baha’u’llah] inquired after them and asked about the current affairs of that land. One of them made this remark, “How is it that You discuss spiritual matters with Your friends when they attain Your presence, but with us You ask only of the town and the market? It seems You do not consider us worthy,” by which he intended to ask, “Why should these people—bereft of exquisite clothing, wealth, knowledge, and insight—take precedence over us, with our riches and sagacity?”

The Blessed Beauty responded:

“Dost thou know what sort of person is worthy of hearing My words and is fit to enter My presence? I will say it that thou shalt know. Suppose one should find himself in a limitless space, unbounded in every direction. To the right, there existeth every pomp and glory, pleasure and comfort, and sovereignty eternal and stainless; and to the left is prepared every calamity and hardship, vengeance and poverty, and vicissitude unyielding and perpetual. Suppose then that the Faithful Spirit should call out, from the precincts of the Lord of the Worlds, to that one, saying, ‘Shouldst thou choose the right—with its eternal pleasures and all that is therein—over the left, thou wouldst not, in the estimation of God, be abased in the least; and shouldst thou choose the left—with its perpetual hardships and all that is therein—over the right, it would not add an ounce to thy worth in the sight of the Almighty, the Unconstrained.’ Should that one choose, at that moment, the left over the right—afire with ardor and zeal, and filled with rapture and ecstasy—then would he be fit to enter My presence and worthy of hearing My magnificent words.”

July 14, 2017

A Tablet by Baha’u’llah to the Persian Zoroastrian Baha’is. Revealed in the purest Persian language, without any Arabic words.

-- provisional translation by Ahmad Sohrab

In the Name of God the Peerless!

Glory is due unto God, the Discoverer, who, through one shower of the ocean of His Generosity, expanded the firmament of existence, begemmed it with the stars of knowledge and summoned the people to the most high court of perception and understanding!

This shower, which is the Primal Word of the Almighty, is sometimes called the Water of Life, for it quickens the dead souls in the desert of ignorance with the spring of intelligence. Sometimes it is called the First Emanation which appears from the Sun of Wisdom, and when it began to shine the first movement became manifest and known; then phenomena stepped into the arena of existence and these appearances were through the generosity of the Incomparable, the Wise One. He is the Knower, the Giver! He is sanctified and holy above every statement and attribute! The seen and the unseen fail to attain the measure of His understanding. The world of being and whatever has issued from it bears witness to this utterance.

Therefore, it has become known that the First Bestowal of the Almighty is the Word. The receiver and acceptor of it is the understanding. It is the First Instructor in the University of Existence and it is the Primal Emanation of God. Whatever has appeared is through the reflection of Its Light and whatever is manifested is the appearance of Its Wisdom. All the names originate in His Name and the beginnings and endings of all affairs are in His Hand.

June 14, 2017

Two Excerpts from Star of the West – by Baha’u’llah

O friends! in this day the door of heaven is opened by the key of the godly Name, the ocean of generosity is manifested and is rolling, before your faces, and the Sun of Providence is shining, and gleaming. Do not be exclusive nor destroy your most precious time through the speech of this or that person. Gird up the loins of endeavor and do your best in training, the people of the world. Do not imagine that the Cause of God is a cause of opposition, hatred or wrath. The Sun of Greatness hath said, that which is revealed from the Heaven of Will in this Supreme Manifestation is to unite the people with love and friendship towards all. The people of' Baha, who have drunk of the pure wine of reality, must associate with all the world with a perfect spirit of joy and fragrance, and remind them of that which is for the benefit of all. This is the Commandment of the Wronged One to his saints and sincere ones. 
- Baha’u’llah  (‘Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 1, March 21, 1915)

O people the earth! Make not the religion of God a cause of variance among you. Verily of a truth, it was revealed for the uniting of the whole world. Blessed is he who loves the world simply for the sake of the Face of his Generous Lord. With perfect compassion and mercy have we aided and directed the people of the world to that whereby their souls shall be profited. I declare by the Sun of Truth and which hath shown forth from the highest Horizon of' the world, that the people of Baha had not and have not any aim save the prosperity and reformation of the world and the purifying, of the nations. 
- Baha’u’llah  (‘Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 1, March 21, 1915)

May 17, 2017

Law-i-Liqá’ (Tablet of the Divine Presence) – by Baha’u’llah

-- provisional translation by  Nima Rafiei

He is the Eternal! Lo, We made this epistle to be the attainment of Our presence for such as have turned unto God in these days, wherein the nations have been made to tremble. Whosoever gazeth upon that which hath been sent down from the Throne of glory in this Tablet and findeth himself in doubt as to whether he hath attained the presence of his Lord, he is of them who have turned away from God, the One Who causeth the dawn to break.

O ye birds of the most exalted paradise! Give ear unto the call of the Beloved in these days wherein the feet of men have slipped. The Concourse on high have rejoiced by reason of your acceptance of this Cause, and the voice of the denizens of the cities of eternity hath been raised aloud in grief and lamentation by virtue of your remoteness from Him and your burning thirst, notwithstanding your nearness to the Ocean of His presence!

O how glorious is this blissful joy, this bitter anguish! Methinks both have embraced in the Day of God, the Powerful, the Almighty, and the Omnipotent!

The hearts of the infidels have been set ablaze by that which We have revealed aforetime, and still they plot against Me day and night! Blessed are ye for having entered the city and attained unto that which hath been ordained by your Lord, the Mighty, and the Bestower. It behooveth you to show forth from your countenances utmost joy and bliss that all may discern in you the tokens of resignation and submission. Thus hath it been decreed by the pen of Glory; verily, your Lord is the Most Merciful, the Knower of the unseen and the seen.

O men of insight! Ye are beneath the shadow of My loving kindness and the canopy of My mercy, thus is the gaze of God fixed upon you. Blessed are ye and whosoever loveth you and turneth unto you wholly for the sake of God, the Almighty, the All-Compelling. God and such as have circled round the Throne bear witness that ye have attained unto His presence, circumambulated the Kaaba of His command, and beheld His countenance. Potent is He over whatsoever He willeth. No God is there but Him, the Mighty, the Munificent!

By My life! We have granted that which ye have desired, and We are with you at all times. The glory of Him Who is the Almighty and the Helper rest upon you!
(source: Baha’i Library Online)

April 14, 2017

Súrat al-A'ráb (The Súrah of the Arabs) – by Baha’u’llah

-- provisional translation by Joshua Hall

This is the Súrah of the Arabs which has been revealed by One Who is the Revealer, the Ancient of Days

He is the Sanctified, the Transcendent, the Exalted, the Most Effulgent

These are the verses of God which have been sent down from the heaven of wondrous glory, and which God has made to be a proof and testament from Him unto the worlds. Within it are mentioned the servants of God who recognized God in His own Self, who were not shut out as by a veil on account of the outcry of the idolators, who entered the shelter of His loving providence and reposed in the precincts of His mercy which surpasses all contingent things – this, indeed, is a great bounty.

These are they upon whom the heavenly concourse pronounce their blessings, as well as the angels that have drawn nigh. These are they who fell on their faces in prostration before God, the Exalted, the Sublime, when the Everlasting Sun once again shed Its effulgence upon them from the Most High Horizon.

O Beloved of God from amongst the Arabs! Give ear unto the call of God proceeding from this Tree upraised in truth, all of Whose leaves speak forth in all things: “I am God; none other god is there beside Him, the Sanctified, the Almighty, the Munificent”.

O people, hasten unto the Sidrah [1] of God and take shelter beneath Its shade. By the One True God! Were you to search all the climes of the earth and the expanse of the heavens, never would you find an abode of safety save beneath the shade of this Tree which overshadows the worlds. From amidst Its leaves the sweet-scented breeze of the Lord is wafted, giving life to every moldering bone. Turn unto It and partake of Its fruits, that your hearts may be purified thereby of the suggestions of every wretched deceiver.

March 8, 2017

Dalá’il-i-Sab’ih (The Seven Proofs) – by the Báb

[The Dala'il-i-Sab'ih (Seven Proofs), the most important of the polemical works of the Báb, was revealed during that same period [Mah-Ku]. Remarkably lucid, admirable in its precision, original in conception, unanswerable in its argument, this work, apart from the many and divers proofs of His mission which it adduces, is noteworthy for the blame it assigns to the "seven powerful sovereigns ruling the world" in His day, as well as for the manner in which it stresses the responsibilities, and censures the conduct, of the Christian divines of a former age who, had they recognized the truth of Muhammad's mission, He contends, would have been followed by the mass of their co-religionists. (Shoghi Effendi, 'God Passes By')]

-- Provisional English translation from the French of Nicolas – by Peter Terry

In the Name of God, the Only Unique, the Only Unique. [60] Praises be to God, for there is none other God but He, the Only Unique, the Only Unique. All splendor [61] comes from God, upon the 'Man Yuzhiruhu'llah' [62] and upon His Apostles even until the eternity of eternities.

And following:

We have examined the letter which was written to us: if one were to desire a detailed explanation of the proofs establishing the truth of this Manifestation [63], this one [such an explanation] would be too long and the tablets of the world of existence and of possibilities [64] would not be sufficient for this. [65]

But, the essence of this discourse and the pearl of this aim [66] are that there never has been and there is now no doubt that the Eternal God has always been immovable in the Loftiness of His Divinity, in the sublimity of His Pure Attributes, and that He will remain always in the Splendor and the immutability of His Infinite Grandeur. Nothing has known Him as He should be known and the praises which have been made of Him have remained below Him. He is Pure of all names, Free from all semblances. [67] Everything is known to Him and His Grandeur resides in this that He remains unknown to all. His Creation has never had a commencement and will never have an end as then there would have been or there would be a necessary stoppage to [interruption in] His kindnesses. [68] All the times that it has been found useful in this world of Possibilities [69], He has sent Prophets and has made descend from the Heaven the Books of the Law: He will do so again when the need will make itself felt. [70]

February 20, 2017

Lawh-i Haqqu’n-Nas (Tablet of the Right of the People) - by Baha’u’llah

-- provisional translation by Mehran Ghasempour

In the Name of God, the Beneficient, the Merciful

Praise be to God Who fulfilled what He revealed to all His Prophets and Messengers and gave to all the tidings of His days. And of them is the Day which He promised us in His Mighty Book through His saying, exalted be His dominion: on that day "God will enrich everyone out of His abundance." [Qur’an 4:130] And this, truly, is our Day, when I behold Him enriching all who enter in His shadow from the abundance of His knowledge and command, inasmuch as on this Day He hath placed the reins of knowledge in the grasp of His lowliest servant and in the possession of His most insignificant subject who hath held fast to the cord of His Love in the days of His manifestation.

And praise be to God who inspireth whom He wisheth with the hosts of His revelation and "casteth the light of His knowledge into the heart of whom He willeth." [Islamic Hadíth] There is no God but Him Who is manifest through the manifestation of His own Self, inasmuch as there remains no veil for Him but the light of His Beauty, and no cloud but the abundance of His manifestation.

Blessing and peace be upon the noblest of His Chosen Ones, and the most distinguished of His creation, and upon His kindred, and upon His family, and upon His saints who stood firm in His Cause and continued steadfast in His love.