
October 28, 2011

Tablet of the Bell (Lawh-i-Náqús) - by Baha’u’llah

--- provisional translation by Stephen Lambden

He is the Almighty.

This [Tablet] is the Meadow of Paradise wherein the melody of God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting, hath been exalted. Therein hath Houris [Maidens] of Eternity (huriyyát al-khuld) been empowered whom none hath touched save God, the Almighty, the Sanctified. Therein doth the Nightingale of Eternal Subsistence warble upon the branches of the Lote-Tree of the Extremity (sidrat al-muntahá) with such a melody as hath bedazzled discerning souls (al-‘uqúl). Therein is that through which the poor and needy (al-fuqará’) are made to approach the shore of independent self-sufficiency (shatí al-ghaná’) and the people obtain guidance unto the Word of God (kalimát Alláh). Such, indeed, is the certain Truth!

In Thy Name “He” for Thou, verily, art “He,” O “He”!

O Monk of the Divine Unicity! (ráhib al-ahadiyya) Strike the Bell! (al-náqús) for the Day of God hath been realized and the Beauty of the Divine Might (jamál al-‘izz) been enthroned upon a Throne of Luminous Holiness. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Húd of the Verdict! (al-hukm) Sound the Bugle (al-náqúr) in the name of God, the Mighty, the Noble, for the Embodiment of Sanctity (haykal al-quds) hath been established upon a Mighty, Transcendent Seat (kursí). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Countenance Eternally Subsistent! (tal‘at al-baqá’) Pluck with the Fingertips of the Spirit (anámil al-rúh) upon a wondrous, holy Rebec (rabáb) for the Beauty of the Divine Ipseity (jamál al-huwiyya) is manifested in resplendent silken attire. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Angel of Light! (malak al-núr) Sound the trumpet (al-súr) in this theophany (al-zuhúr) for the letter “H” (al-há’) rideth upon a mighty, pre-existent letter [“B”] (bi-harf ‘izz qadím). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Nightingale of Resplendence! (‘andálib al-saná’) Warble upon the twigs in this Ridwán according to the Name of the One Beloved (al-habíb) for the Roseate Beauty (jamál al-ward) hath been manifested from behind a thick curtain. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Nightingale of Paradise! (bulbul al-firdaws) Sing out upon the branches in this wondrous era (zamán badi‘’) for God hath divulged himself (tajalla Alláh) unto all that inhabit the created dominion (al-mulk). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Bird of Eternity! (tayr al-baqá’) Speed in this expanse (al-hawá’) for the Bird of Fidelity (tayr al-wafá’) hath flown in a munificent, divinely intimate firmament (fada’). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Denizens of Paradise! (ahl al-firdaws) Hallow ye and chant with the most beautiful, sweet voice for the melody of God (naghmat Alláh) hath been uplifted from beyond an elevated, sanctified Pavilion (surádiq). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Denizens of the Kingdom! (ahl al-malakut) Chant ye in the Name of the Beloved One (al-mahbúb) for the Beauty of the Cause (jamál al-amr) hath sparkled forth from behind ornamented, luminous veils. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Denizens of the Kingdom of Divine Names! (malakút al-asmá’) Ornament ye the very uttermost Heights (rafárif al-aqsá’) [of Paradise] for the Greatest Name hath ridden upon a sanctified, mighty Cloud. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Denizens of the Omnipotent Kingdom of Divine Attributes (ahl jabarút al-sifát) in the Abhá horizon! (ufuq al-abhá’) Be ye prepared for the Encounter with God (liqá’ Alláh) for the sanctified breezes (nasmát al-quds) hath wafted from the Hidden Retreat of the Divine Essence (makman al-dhát) which is indeed a manifest Bounty. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Ridwán of the Divine Unicity! (ridwán al-ahadiyya) Be enraptured within thyself for the Ridwán of God (Ridwán Alláh), the Exalted, the Powerful, the All-Knowing hath been made manifest. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Heaven of Might! (samá’ al-‘izz) Render thanks unto God in thy very being for the Heaven of Sanctity (samá’ al-quds) hath been raised up in that Firmament (hawá’) which is a subtly refined heart (qalb latíf). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Sun of the worldly dominion! (shams al-mulk) Eclipse thy countenance for the Sun of Eternal Subsistence (shams al-baqá’) hath shed splendor from a horizon which is a brilliant Dawn. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Earth of gnosis! (ard al-ma‘rifa) Engulf thy mystic learning (ma‘árif) for the Earth of Gnosis (ard al-ma‘rifa) hath been expanded through the Logos-Self of God (nafs Alláh), the Transcendent, the Mighty, the Munificent. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Lamp of the worldly dominion! (siráj al-mulk) Extinguish thy very self, for the Lamp of God (siráj Alláh) hath radiated within the Niche of Eternity (mishkat al-baqá’) illuminating thereby the inhabitants of the heavens and of the earth. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O oceans of the earth! Be stilled of thy tempestuous waves for the Crimson Sea (al-bahr al-ahmar) surgeth through an innovative directive (bi-amr badí‘) So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Peacock of the divine Oneness! (táwús al-ahadiyya)! Shriek out within the thicket of the divine realm (ajamat al-láhút) for the melody of God (naghmat Alláh) hath become evident from every divinely proximate locale. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Bird of Perpetuity! (dík al-samadiyya)! Be muted in the thicket of the Omnipotent Realm (ajamat al-jabarút) for the Crier of God (munádí Alláh) crieth out from every unassailable locale (shatr maní‘). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Concourse of enraptured lovers! (malá’ al-ushsháq) Good news for thy selves in that the separation (al-firáq) is completed and the promised Testament (al-mitháq) hath come to pass; the Loved One (al-ma‘shúq) hath been manifested with a mighty, transcendent Beauty (jamál ‘izz maní‘). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

O Concourse of Gnostic initiates! (malá’ al-irfán) Rejoice within thine inner realities for era of Renunciation (al hijrán) is terminated, certitude (al-íqán) is realized and the Beauty of the Youth (jamál al-ghulám) hath beamed forth with an holy ornament (bi-taraz al-quds) in a Paradise of matchless name (firdaws ism makín). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

Praised be Thou, O my God, I supplicate Thee by Thy [eschatological] Day (yawm) through which all [previous] Days have been raised up and in view of the fact that through It [matters rooted in] primordial (al-awwalín) and latter day [eschatological] (al-akharín) eras have been brought to account. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

And by Thy Name which Thou didst make a Sovereign in the Omnipotent sphere of Names (jabarút al-asmá’) as well as a Judge (hákim) over whomsoever are in the heavens and on the earth[s]. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

By this means make Thou such persons to be independent (aghniyá’) of all except Thee, associated with Thee and detached from whatsoever is other than Thee for Thou indeed art One Powerful, Mighty, Compassionate. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

Do Thou make them, O my God, to be such as give assent to Thy Singleness (wahdániyya) and who willingly concede Thy Uniqueness (firdániyya) in such wise that they shall witness nothing but Thine Own Logos-Self and envision none but Thee. In this respect Thou, verily, art One Powerful, Mighty. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

Establish then in their hearts, O my Beloved, the fiery warmth of Thy love in such measure that it may burn away the remembrance of all save Thee. This such that they may witness within themselves that Thou hath ever been in the Sublime Apex of Eternity, that there hath never been anything alongside Thee, and that Thou art now the like of what Thou hath ever been. No god is there except Thee, the Munificent. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

If such of Thy servants as desire to scale the heights of Thy Divine Unity (tawhíd) should content themselves with the mention of aught besides Thee, confirmation of their realization of the Divine Oneness (hukm al-tawhíd) would never be ratified neither would the mode of the Divine Uniqueness (simat al-tafríd) be truly affirmed within their being. So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”

So praised be Thou, O our God! O my God! given this situation do Thou send down from the clouds of Thy Mercy that which will purify the breasts of Thy lovers and that which will sanctify the hearts of such as are enraptured by Thee. Then exalt them through Thy loftiness and render them triumphant over such as inhabit the earth. This indeed is what Thou promised Thy beloved ones through Thine indubitable utterance,n“We desire to shower Our favour (mann) upon such as are enfeebled on earth and to make them leaders [Imams] (a’imma) and to make them Our heirs (al-wárithín)” (Qur’án 28:5). So Praised be Thou O “He”! O Thou Who art “He” Who is “He”! O Thou besides Whom there is none other than “He.”
- (Source: