
May 10, 2015

A letter from the Báb to His mother during His pilgrimage, circa 1844-1845

-- provisional translation by Baharieh Rouhani Ma’ani, approved by the Universal House of Justice for inclusion in the book: 'Leaves of the Twin Divine Trees'.

He is God, the Most High!

In the name of God, the Most Merciful of the Merciful! This is a letter written from the port of Mukhá to the honourable mother, may God, the Most Exalted, keep her safe! She is most certainly eager to know about the well-being of her son.

A letter was sent from shihr. I trust God, the Most High, that it hath been illumined with the honour of thy perusal. I explained in the letter sent from Búshihr the details up to Musqal. Surely, it hath been conveyed to thy noble presence.

Praised be God, my health until this day that I arrived in Mukhá hath been good and there hath been no change in my condition. With assistance from God, exalted be He, soon I shall reach the spot where prayers are answered. I will most certainly pray on thy behalf and on behalf of honourable grandmother. Through God's bounty, no ground for doubt exists and refusal cannot be imagined.

Mubarak [1] continues to find life in service. He does what he needs to do with the help of the accompanying religious students.

Convey greetings to everyone. To the sister of Aqa Mirzá Siyyid Hasan, [2] surely the letter I sent from Musqat hath been received and she will also peruse this page.

Kiss the faces of núr-i-chashmán [those who solace the eye] [3]

The sister of Jináb-i Shaykh together with ‘Aqá Siyyid Mirzá... have, praised be God, arrived.

Peace be upon thee, and God's mercy and His blessings.

Dated: The 10th day of the month of Dhí Qa'dih. Praised be God, the Lord of all the worlds.
- (Included in the book: 'Leaves of the Twin Divine Trees', by Baharieh Rouhani Ma’ani)
[1] The Báb’s Ethiopian servant.
[2] Khadíjih Bagum, the wife of the Báb, whose eldest brother was Mirzá Siyyid Hasan.
[3] Núr-i-chashmán is a term used for referring to one’s own children or the children of the family.