This is the Paradise of Justice, which hath appeared as a
token of God’s grace and been adorned by Him with glorious and wondrous fruits.
In the Name of the All-Just, the All-Wise.
This is a Tablet in which God hath raised up His Name, ‘The
Just’, and from which He hath breathed the Spirit of Justice into the mortal
frames of all that dwell on earth, that they may arise to rule over themselves
and over others with pure justice – a justice from which they shall not deviate
by one jot or one tittle.
O this name! We, verily, have made thee one of the suns of
Our most excellent names between earth and heaven. Shed thou thy mighty and
wondrous splendour upon the whole of creation that perchance they may gather
together beneath thy shadow, cast the ways of oppression behind their backs,
and be illumined by thy hallowed and resplendent light.
O this name! We have indeed made thee the very source of Our
justice amidst such among Our servants as are near unto Us. Through thee We
have manifested the justice of every just one, and have adorned the sincere
ones among Our servants with thine ornament.
O this name! Beware lest this station deceive thee and
prevent thee from showing humility before God, the Almighty, the Most Powerful.
Know thou that thy relationship unto Us is the same as any other relationship;
no distinction is there between thee and all else besides thee that have been
created in heaven and on earth. For when We ascended the throne of justice, We
fashioned all created things through a single word from Our side. Thy Lord is
the All-Wise, and His wisdom encompasseth all things. We have exalted certain
names to the kingdom of eternity as a token of Our grace, and I verily am the
Most Powerful, the Most Exalted, the Mighty, the Incomparable.
Say: No relationship is there between God and His creation.
Sanctified is He from whatsoever He hath created, and from the remembrances of
such among His servants as make mention of Him. Indeed, the relationship which
is attributed to Him and mentioned in the Tablets hath been revealed through
the decree that was sent down from the Heaven of the Divine Will, Which was
brought into being through My all-pervading and all-compelling behest. Nevertheless,
We have singled thee out and exalted thee in this Tablet, that thou mayest
render thanks unto thy Lord, and be of them that are rid of all attachment to
any one but Him. Beware lest the loftiness of thy name debar thee from God, thy
Lord and the Lord of all worlds.
Verily, We exalt whomsoever We will through Our behest. We
have, from eternity, been powerful to do what We have willed, and to ordain
what We have pleased. Behold naught within thyself but the radiance of the Sun
of the Word of Revelation, which hath shone forth above the horizon of the Will
of thy Lord, the Compassionate, the Merciful. In like manner, behold naught
within thine essence any power, any strength, any movement, or any tranquility
unless it be bidden by God, the Sovereign, the Almighty, the All-Powerful. Be
thou animated by the breezes of thy Lord, the Most High, the All-Glorious, and
not by that which wafteth from the precincts of passion and desire. Thus
biddeth thee the Pen of the Most High, that thou mayest be reckoned with them
who observe Our precepts.
Beware lest thou follow the example of the one We adorned
with the ornament of names in the kingdom of creation – the one who, when he
looked upon his own self and perceived the loftiness of his name, repudiated
God, Who created him and sustained him, and thereupon fell from the most
exalted station to the depths of degradation. [1]
Say: The Names are as raiments; We adorn those of Our
servants We desire with them, and We take them away from whomsoever We will
through Our behest. I am the All-Powerful, the Ordainer, the Omniscient. We
take no counsel with Our servants before divesting them of this bounty, even as
We consult them not before We bestow Our blessings upon them. Know, then, the
command of thy Lord, and be of them who possess manifest certitude. The power
We hold over all things can never be wrested from Us, neither can the Hands of
Our power ever be chained up, couldst thou but understand.
Say: The station of every name that knoweth his Lord, and
doth not transgress his limit, shall wax greater at every moment, and the
Day-Star of the tender mercies of his Lord – the Ever-Forgiving, the Most
Generous – will shine upon him continually. He shall ascend the ladder of
detachment until he reacheth a station none can describe, save the One Who
created it. He speaketh not except by the leave of his Lord, and moveth not
unless it be ordained by Him. He is, in truth, the Almighty, the Just, the
All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
O this name! Pride thyself in this, that We have made thee
the dawning-place of Our justice amidst all people. The day is approaching when
We shall raise up manifestations of thee upon the earth, through whom We shall
roll up the standard of oppression and unfurl the banner of justice between the
heavens and the earth. It is through them that God shall blot out every trace
of injustice from the earth, and adorn the whole of creation in every land with
these names. All beings, both seen and unseen, shall rejoice at their advent,
for they are the mirrors of My justice amidst My servants, and the daysprings
of My names amidst My creation. Through them, the hands of oppression shall be
severed, and the arms of command strengthened. Such is the decree We have set
forth in this holy and preserved Tablet.
O this name! We, verily, have made thee an ornament of the
sovereigns. Blessed are they that adorn their bodies with thee, act with equity
and complete sincerity towards their subjects, and decree for them what God
Himself hath decreed in His mighty and everlasting Book. No better adornment is
there for them than thee, for it is through thee that their sovereignty is made
manifest, their praise is glorified, and their names are remembered in the
Kingdom of God, the Almighty, the Most Great. Whoso depriveth himself of thee
would indeed be as one denuded before the entire creation, though outwardly he
be clothed in the finest garments of silk.
O concourse of rulers! Crown your heads with the diadems of
justice that the regions of every land may be illumined with their light. Thus
have We bidden ye in token of Our grace unto you.
O concourse of kings! Erelong will God make manifest on
earth kings who will recline on the couches of justice and will rule amongst
men even as they rule their own selves. They, indeed, are among the choicest of
My creatures in the entire creation.
Adorn yourselves, O people, with the raiment of justice,
inasmuch as the exercise thereof befitteth all mankind, did ye but know it. Thus
have We enjoined courtesy and equity upon you in most of Our Tablets, that ye
may be of them who comprehend. The Almighty ordaineth naught for a soul unless
it be what is best for him, and what shall profit him in this world and in the
world to come. He, verily, is independent of the doings of every doer, and of
the knowledge of every man of discernment and understanding.
Through this name, God hath shed His splendour upon all
things in this Tablet. Well is it with them who are illumined with its light
and have attained thereunto, for they are the truly devoted among Our servants.
With the Hands of Our power, We have planted trees of justice in this Paradise,
and have watered them with the waters of Our grace. Every one of those trees
will, erelong, bear fruit. Such is the irrevocable decree We have set forth,
for truly We are potent to command.
O ye who are the embodiments of justice! When the breezes of
power have wafted over all things, summon ye the people of the Bayān, and call
their attention to this Great Announcement.
Ask of them: O people! By what proof have ye believed in
‘Alī [the Báb], but denied the One Who brought you glad-tidings in all the
Tablets? Ponder this, O concourse of foolish ones, and fear ye God, O
assemblage of the heedless.
Do ye claim to believe in the One Who heralded Mine advent
though you have repudiated Me, the All-Powerful, the All-Wise? Ye are even as
the ones who believed in John the Baptist, who summoned men to the Kingdom of
God, yet when Christ, the Word Himself, appeared unto them, they rejected Him
and condemned Him to death.
The curse of God be upon the oppressors! At all times, and
in the loudest voice, that herald imparted glad-tidings unto men. He exhorted
them to swear fealty unto Christ, and informed them of His imminent advent. At
last, out of his love for Christ, he yielded up his spirit to Him, the
Almighty, the Wondrous.
And when the veil of concealment was rent asunder, and the
Word of God appeared unto men, they cavilled at Him and protested, saying:
‘This Man hath violated the decree of John the Baptist!’ Thus did their souls
prompt them in such wise that they were deprived of the Presence of their Lord,
the Almighty, the Most Powerful.
One of the infidels among them said: ‘The thing for which the
son of Zechariah [John the Baptist] came to this world hath not yet come to
pass, neither hath his law been established amongst men. Unseemly indeed would
it be for any one to appear until that law is established’. Such was the
reasoning by which they waxed disdainful before the Spirit of God [Jesus
Christ] and rejected His Truth. Still others among them said: ‘John the Baptist
baptised men with water. The One Who hath appeared unto us, however, doth
baptise with the Holy Spirit, yet He associateth with the sinful!’
And now ye hear the same arguments made by the people of the
Bayán in these days. They repeat that which the followers of John the Baptist
said aforetime; nay worse, they utter such things as have never been uttered
before. Woe betide them that follow these infidels!
Say: O people of the Bayán! Blush before the beauty of your
Lord, the All-Merciful, Who appeared in the midmost heart of the world with a
clear and irrefutable proof. The One Who came unto you aforetime by the name of
‘Alí informed you of Me and heralded unto you My coming, and He moved not
except through His love for Me, and breathed not except to make mention of Me,
the Most Powerful, the Most Wondrous. He proclaimed unto you that every
luminous one would be eclipsed by His splendour, that every woman that hath a
burden in her womb would cast her burden, [2] and that every bearer of a trust
would cast it aside. Such is the decree that hath descended from the Heaven of
the Will of your Lord, the Most High, the All-Knowing.
The appointed Hour came upon you in your heedlessness, for
when the Beauty of the Beloved shone forth above the horizon of the Will of
your Lord – the Almighty, the All-Powerful – you turned away from Him, cavilled
at Him, rejected His signs, and ascribed partners unto Him, and in this
heedlessness you persisted until you resolved to shed His blood – the blood of
the Most Holy, the Most Pure, the Most Powerful, the Most Luminous.
Say: O people! Fear God, and confine not His command to your
own limitations. He, verily, ordaineth as He pleaseth through His behest, and
He is indeed the Help in Peril, the Almighty, the Most Powerful.
Say: I swear by God that He speaketh in My breast, calleth
out to My spirit, and giveth utterance through My tongue. It is He that hath
wakened Me with the breezes of His command, and hath caused Me to speak between
heaven and earth.
Say: I swear by God – the Almighty, the Most High – that I
am in your midst, and hear from you that which no ear hath heard before.
Nevertheless, God hath, in truth, made Me manifest, and I have been bidden not
to worship any one but Him, and to remind you of that which is better for you
than all that is in the kingdoms of earth and heaven. Had it been in My power,
I would have never consented to manifest Myself unto these makers of mischief.
Yet, the Almighty is unconstrained in His bidding; He doeth as He willeth, and
ordaineth as He pleaseth.
Look not upon Me, O people, with your eyes, or with the eyes
of your leaders. I swear by God that this would avail you not, even were you to
seek the aid of the former and the latter generations.
Say: O people! Behold My beauty with Mine eye, for if you
look upon Me with any other sight, you will never recognize Me. Thus hath it
been sent down in the Tablets of God, the Almighty, the All-Powerful, the
Say: O people! It is neither through Mine own Self nor for
Mine own Self that I cry aloud unto you; rather, God crieth out as He willeth
through His own Self for His servants, and unto this do My groaning, and My
wailing, and the lamentation of My heart bear witness, if ye be of them who
judge fairly.
This indeed is the Leaf that hath been stirred by the winds
of the Will of God. Hath it any power of its own to remain still? No, by the
One Who hath caused Me to speak in truth! The winds move as they will, and God
indeed is powerful over whatsoever He pleaseth. The movement of that Leaf, and
the manner in which it stirreth, bear witness to its truth, would ye but
Consider, O people, the Flute that resteth beneath the
fingers of the Will of His Lord, the All-Merciful, and how He doth breathe His
sanctified breath into it. Can that Flute remain silent in its inmost self? Nay,
by your Lord, the Almighty, the Beneficent! He will, rather, make manifest from
it diverse melodies as He willeth, and He verily is the All-Powerful, the
Ordainer, the Omnipotent. Can the sun that riseth above the horizon of
Revelation shine aught but light from itself? Is it able, moreover, to deprive
anything of its light? Nay, by the essence of glory! And unto this doth every
fair-minded and discerning one bear witness.
Say: O people! Verily, it is the fingers of your Lord – the
Most High, the All Glorious – that move this Supreme Pen. This is not My doing,
rather is it the bidding of God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers.
And do ye, O concourse of infidels, protest this Pen? Or do ye cavil at the One
Who hath caused it to move through His sovereignty?
Say: Woe betide you! The dwellers of the Realms above are
astonished by your deeds. The Eye of Justice weepeth sore over Me, and the
Reality of Justice bewaileth the harm I have sustained and the calamities I
have endured. It bemoaneth, moreover, that which hath befallen Me at the hands
of them who were created through My Will, who pride themselves in standing in
My Presence and seek blessings from the dust that My feet – the feet of the
Blessed, the Almighty, the Sublime – have trodden.
O thou who art the embodiment of justice! I complain unto
thee concerning them who have disbelieved in Me and ascribed partners unto Me,
even after Mine advent hath been promised in every Tablet – and in the Tablet,
too, that God hath preserved in His inviolable treasuries, which He hath
safeguarded from even the most discerning ones among His creation.
Say: O people! Ye have entered Paradise, and have attained
unto a Rose. Inhale it, then, if ye find its fragrance to be sweet. Fear ye God,
and be not of them who gainsay Him, nor of them who recognize Him and then
disclaim Him. Ye would indeed be numbered with the infidels for such an act.
Were a person with a keen sense of smell to be found, he would, of a certainty,
be able to detect – among all the things that are made manifest from Me – the
fragrance of the Most Holy, the Most Powerful, the Most Generous.
O ye who are the embodiments of Justice! Ye were called into
being through My behest, and were risen up by My command. Beware lest your rank
prevent you from humbling yourselves before your Lord – the Almighty, the
Omniscient – on the day when He shall come down unto you overshadowed with
clouds and invested with a mighty sovereignty. On that day, He shall breathe
the spirit of life into the entire creation; adorn the whole of Paradise with
My Name, the Name of the Almighty, the Beneficent; regenerate mankind with the
ornament of the All-Merciful; and attire all things with the raiment of names
that belongeth to the Wondrous Creator. That indeed is a day for which ye have
been created. Fear ye God and take heed, lest ye deprive yourselves of so great
a bounty.
O ye who are called by this Name! Let not the names deceive
you on that day. Hasten ye to the court of grace, even if the clouds of
Revelation should rain down the darts of wrath upon you. Take heed that ye not
tarry for less than a single moment. On that day, none shall have any
possessions to their name, for command on that day will be with God, the
All-Powerful, the All-Wise.
Say: Be ye faithful, O people, to the Testament of God, and
break not the Covenant of the One with Whom you covenanted from time immemorial
in the Presence of God, the Almighty, the All-Powerful, the Omniscient.
Say: Open your eyes! I swear by the One True God that He
hath been made manifest on this day, at this very moment, and that He hath come
overshadowed with clouds. [3] Blessed is God, the Quickener, the All-Powerful,
the Most Lofty, the Almighty.
Thereupon were the inmates of heaven and earth stricken with
terror, and the entire company of the Concourse on High moaned, except for them
who were seized by the Hand of the All-Glorious, invested with the sovereignty
of the Most Powerful, the Most Exalted, the Most High – the Hand Whose Finger
of decree hath rent asunder the veil before their eyes, and hath delivered them
from the company of the ones who doubted the Presence of God, the Sovereign, the
Almighty, the All-Glorious.
Say: By God! Every name hath been changed, every thing hath
cried out in lamentation, and every soul hath become perturbed, save them who
were quickened by the breezes of sanctity that wafted from the precincts of
your Lord, the All-Merciful – the breezes that awakened them from their
slumber, and cleansed them from the defilement of the infidels.
Alter thou these verses, O Tongue of Eternity, for the ears
of men are incapable of hearing that which hath been sent down from the
firmament of Thine Essence and the heaven of Thy Will. Impart unto them, in
accordance with their capacity, that which Thou dost possess, for this verily
is manifest justice.
O people of the earth! Know ye that justice consisteth of
innumerable degrees and incalculable meanings, yet We have given you only a
sprinkling from this Ocean, that it may cleanse you from the defilement of
oppression and cause you to be numbered with the sincere ones. Know verily that
the essence of justice and the source thereof are both embodied in the
ordinances prescribed by Him Who is the Manifestation of the Self of God
amongst men, if ye be of them that recognize this truth. He doth verily incarnate
the highest, the infallible standard of justice unto all creation. Were His law
to be such as to strike terror into the hearts of all that are in heaven and on
earth, that law is naught but manifest justice. The fears and agitation which
the revelation of this law provokes in men’s hearts should indeed be likened to
the cries of the suckling babe weaned from his mother’s milk, if ye be of them
that perceive. Were men to discover the motivating purpose of God’s Revelation,
they would assuredly cast away their fears, and, with hearts filled with
gratitude, rejoice with exceeding gladness.
Say: If the autumn winds strip the trees of their vernal
adornment (ṭarāz), this is only to allow for the emergence of another
adornment. Thus hath it been decreed by the Almighty, the All-Powerful. It is
through justice that every one is rendered his due, even as ye behold this in
the manifestations of the world of being; it is not as most of the people
imagine. Ponder, then, that ye may understand the purpose of what was revealed
by the Wondrous Pen.
Say: That justice which causeth the pillars of tyranny to
quake and the foundations of misbelief to crumble is the recognition of this
Revelation in this resplendent dawn, wherein the Sun of Bahá shineth with
manifest sovereignty above the horizon of eternity. And whoso believeth not
therein hath abandoned the stronghold of justice, and his name is recorded
among the oppressors in God’s mighty and guarded Tablets. Even if a man were to
strive until the end that hath no end and bend every possible effort to deal
equitably with others, if he should ever hesitate in his recognition of this
Cause, he would verily have committed an injustice against his own self, and
would be regarded as one of the oppressors.
Bestir yourselves, O people, in anticipation of the days of
Divine justice, for the promised hour is now come. Beware lest ye fail to
apprehend its import and be accounted among the erring.
Say: O people! Adorn your bodies with the ornament of
justice. Enjoin ye that which God Himself hath enjoined, and be not of them
that transgress their bounds.
Say: Should anyone drink even a drop of water in accordance
with My command, it verily would be preferable to the acts of worship and
devotion offered by the entire creation, for God doth not accept an act from any
one unless it be adorned with the ornament of My leave amidst all people.
Act ye, O people, in accordance with what We have bidden you
in the Tablets that were sent down from the Kingdom of God, the Help in Peril,
the Almighty, the All Powerful. He whose sight is restored through the sweet
savours that waft from the raiment of My Name – the Name of the All-Merciful –
shall discern in all things the signs of his Lord, the Just, the All-Wise. [4]
O Supreme Pen! Raise up the servant who was named ‘Ridá
after Nabíl’, [5] and cause him to be one of the embodiments of justice in this
contingent realm. Verily, his justice is his faith in God, and it is a justice
unmatched by any other.
O servant! Hearken thou unto the shrill voice of the Pen of
the Most High, and gather all men upon the shore of the Most Mighty Ocean,
which hath emerged through this Most Ancient and Everlasting Name. Protect thou
the servants of the All-Merciful, lest the blows dealt by the evil suggestions
of the manifestations of Satan transform the faces of them that have recognized
their Lord. Such is the commandment of thy Lord – the Almighty, the Beneficent –
unto thee. Act thou in accordance with what the All-Powerful, the Beauteous,
hath bidden thee.
Be thou a barrier between the forces of unbelief and the
hosts of the All-Merciful, lest that blasphemous horde transgress their bounds.
[6] Thus hath the decree been sent down from the Kingdom of the judgment of thy
Lord, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. We, verily, have made thee a means of Our
remembrance amidst Our servants, and a fortress for Our creation in this world,
that thou mayest shelter them from the darts of doubt and draw their attention
to this Announcement, through which the temples of names have trembled, the
faces of men have been changed, the earth of vainglory hath been cleft, [7] and
the fruit hath fallen from every lofty and wondrous tree. Blessed art thou for
having utterly abolished the idol of vain imagination through the power of thy
Lord, for having cast off from thy body the robe of blind imitation, and for
having adorned it instead with the raiment of Divine Unity through this Name,
the Most Holy, the Blessed, the Most Exalted, the All-Encompassing.
Know thou, then, that the People of the Bayán cavilled at
their Lord, and rejected the One in Whom they had already believed, and this
after We had admonished them in all the Tablets not to let anything betwixt
earth and heaven prevent them from recognizing Me in the hour of Mine advent.
Some among them have repudiated Me even as they read My Words, and others glory
in the Book that was revealed aforetime through My power.
Say: If, in this day, the whole earth were to be filled with
the knowledge contained in prized and precious books, yet from these books
neither the sweet-smelling savours of My command nor the fragrances of My love
could be detected, then this knowledge would not be worthy of mention in the
Presence of God, thy Lord and the Lord of all worlds.
Say: Woe betide you, O people! The purpose of all that hath
descended from the Kingdom of the Bayán was to make mention of Me and celebrate
My praise, did ye but know it.
Say: Fie upon you for having broken the Covenant of God and
cast it behind your backs! In so doing, ye have returned unto your abode in the
nethermost hell.
O My name! I am left alone amidst the people of the Bayán in
the absence of the One Who revealed that Book only to make mention of Me, the
Wronged One, the Incomparable.
Say: Fear ye God, O people! I swear by Him that the Primal
Point breathed not except to make mention of Me, and spoke not unless it was to
celebrate My praise, and that the Beloved of His heart was none other than My
luminous and resplendent Beauty.
O My name! Know thou that the infidels ascribed oppression
unto the One through Whom the embodiments of justice were raised up, and from
Whom the light of grace shone forth. Such is the manner in which those
oppressors acted against Me. Erelong will the cruelty of these oppressors
change this earth and frustrate the affairs of men. Thus informeth thee the
Tongue of Him that speaketh the truth and is the Knower of all things.
The tablets of fire have been spread throughout every land,
and the manifestation of Satan passeth you by with a book in hand. Then say: O
servants of the All Merciful! Cast it behind your backs, and turn your faces
towards the Word of God, the Mighty, the Wondrous. Verily, nothing that hath
ever been revealed from the beginning that hath no beginning, or will ever be
sent down from the supreme and glorious firmament, can compare with a single
letter of that Word.
O My name! Cleanse My servants of every fragrance that is
not of Me, attract them with the wonders of My melodies and My words, and cause
them to soar in the atmosphere of My nearness and good-pleasure, that perchance
they may attain unto the sanctuary of My glory and the habitation of My
grandeur. This is what hath been sent down in truth, and it verily is a thing
sent down by thy Lord, the Exalted, the Omniscient.
Do thou forbid them to shed blood. We, verily, have made
this unlawful unto them in all the Tablets, yet they have treated the Laws of
God with scorn. They have abandoned the stronghold of command, and are
accounted among the wayward. The harmful effect of their deeds hath redounded
upon the very Root of the Tree; such is the decree, if only thou wouldst hear
it. They who dispute with and wage war against men have indeed forsaken the
Paradise of Justice, and have been numbered with the oppressors in the sublime
and preserved Tablets.
As for them who suffer martyrdom in the path of God in these
days, they are the most exalted among the entire creation. They make mention of
their Creator openly, and the multitude of their enemies are powerless to
prevent them from the remembrance of their Lord, until such time as they are
martyred and attain the Object of their desire. And when their souls ascend,
the entire company of the Concourse on High shall stand ready to receive them bearing
the banners of this Cause. Such is the decree that hath, in truth, been set
forth at the behest of the Most Powerful, the All-Wise.
Say: O My Lord and My Master! Thou art the One Who hath
planted the trees of justice in the Paradise of Thy Revelation and Thy Wisdom.
Shelter them, O My God, from the raging storms of fate and the rolling thunder
of calamity that their boughs and their branches may grow and develop beneath
the shade of Thy bounty and the canopy of Thy mercy. O My God! Cause them who are
the chosen ones amongst Thy creatures and the truly devoted amidst Thy servants
to abide beneath the shadow of their leaves. Thou verily art powerful over
whatsoever Thou willest, and Thou verily art the Ever-Forgiving, the Most
We have, in truth, created the Paradise of Justice through
Our strength and power, and have sent it unto Thee with a glorious and wondrous
fruit. Taste, then, the fruits of these trees, and rest beneath the shadow of
their leaves that thou mayest be protected from the fire of the infidels.
Thus have We perfected this Bounty unto thee, that thou
mayest render thanks unto thy Lord and be accounted among the grateful. Praise
be to God, the Lord of the Worlds.
[1] Muhammad Afnan, notes in ‘Majmú‘i-yi Maqálát, p. 626,
that this is likely a reference to Iblis (Satan), particularly as his downfall
is depicted in Qur’án 7:11–18, and is probably also applicable to Mírzá Yahyá.
[2] A reference to Qur’án 22:2.
[3] Cf. Qur’án 2:210
[4] This appears to be a reference to Jacob, whose sight was
restored when the garment of Joseph was cast over his face. Cf. Qur’án 12:96.
[5] A reference to Áqá Siyyid Muhammad-Ridá Shahmírzádí, the
recipient of this Tablet. ‘Nabíl’ and ‘Muhammad’ share the same value in the
Abjad system, and the two names are often used synonymously in the Bahá’í
[6] Cf. Qur’án 18:94, 21:96.
[7] Cf. Micah 1:3–4 and Qur’án 50:44
(Format slightly modified from the original source in ‘Baha’i
Studies Review, Vol. 20’)